LAS VEGAS—Vision Expo West attendees can join with key industry colleagues for the premier of a comprehensive report, followed by a panel discussion and Q&A, on the future of optometry. The symposium, a data-based analysis of forces shaping the profession, will prepare attendees to remain competitive as the market evolves. “Defining the Future of Optometry—Megatrends Shaping the Profession” is supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Essilor of America and is produced by Jobson Medical Information.
The symposium will take place on Friday, Sept. 15 from 6:45 to 8:15 am. Continental breakfast will be served and an RSVP is required. Key issues that will be examined by the panel include: • Workforce Projections: Need and Supply • Prime Opportunities: Growth Areas Defined and Upside Forecast • Technology: Opportunities and Challenges • Health Care Delivery: How to Be In It to Win It • Action Points for Optometry to Prevail Presenters Mark Wright, OD, FCOVD, Professional Editor, Review of Optometric Business Richard Edlow, OD, The Eyeconomist Panelists Gina Wesley, OD, FAAO Michael Kling, OD Matt Alpert, OD To register for the event go to www.VisionExpoVegas.com/ShowDaily.