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  • Lynn Desjardins

New Eye Scanner will Help Prevent Vision Loss

A Canadian professor has developed a high resolution retina scanner that he says will revolutionize eye care. Marinko Sarunic is an engineering science professor at Simon Fraser University. He believes his scanner will eventually help ophthalmologists find eye diseases before vision loss occurs.

Vision loss set to double

Today, there are about one million Canadians with vision loss caused by major eye diseases like macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma. The prevalence of vision loss is expected to double in the next 25 years. But an estimated 75 per cent of vision loss can be treated or prevented if it is detected early enough.

Now, doctors use low-resolution scanners that can only assess the cause of dead retina cells after a patient’s vision is affected.

Scanner would eliminate some eye injections

The new scanner would eliminate the need for dye injections in the eye that are now used for diseases like diabetic retinopathy and wet age-related macular degeneration.

Prof. Marinko Sarunic demonstrates a prototype of his high resolution retina scanner that will better diagnose eye disease and prevent vision loss. (hand out/Simon Fraser University/The Canadian Press)

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