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How Max Mara's success actually happened


Today, Max Mara is very well known all over the world, but it took a lot of sacrifice and, most importantly, a lot of creativity to achieve this success.

The name Max Mara has always been synonymous with innovation. The company was founded in Italy, more precisely in Emilia Romagna, but its real success came from America. Max Mara was the first company to invest in the intelligence of textile machinery. The company's aim was to create luxury women's clothing that would still meet the criteria of standardised quality. The enterprise was therefore at the forefront of industrialisation from the very beginning. The creator of this company, Achille Maramotti, was able to combine his grandmother's and mother's sewing skills with the growing industrial productivity required by the increasing market demand. This idea worked right from the beginning, in fact already in the early 1950s Max Mara was able to produce 15,000 items of clothing. The strong motivation for investing in this innovative way of conceiving production, lies behind Maramotti's belief that after the war there would have been a huge increase in demand for dressmakers and tailors. He was indeed right, and therefore he dedicated his life to studying a possible computer application in warehouse management, which allowed him to actually plan production in real time.


Today, Max Mara is very well known all over the world, but it took a lot of sacrifice and, most importantly, a lot of creativity to achieve this success. In fact, the garment that made the company so famous was a simple coat. Max Mara has demonstrated all its creative flair by revolutionising the world with a simple item of clothing. What initially was a piece of outerwear that was, by definition, either for men or women, has completely changed its meaning. Max Mara decided to introduce a man's coat that was specifically designed for women. With this small revolution in the world of fashion, the company actually forced people to reconsider entirely the value they attached to the gender of man and woman.


Max Mara's sense of innovation does not end with the quality and quantity of the clothes it produces, but goes much further. In fact, since 1982 the company has introduced a new way of selling clothes, which does not simply consist of throwing away everything unsold. In order to avoid wasting resources, raw materials and energy, Max Mara has created a second company called "Intrend Diffusione Tessile", which has the aim of managing the group's remaining garments and accessories. This great action is proof of the love and care that Max Mara has for the planet and the surrounding area, but it is certainly also an excellent strategy for further earnings. The products sold by this second label are in fact less expensive, and customers can buy Max Mara's high quality products without spending so much. Brilliant, isn't it?


The Cube" project is actually one of the most iconic ever designed by Max Mara. It was the early 2000s and the company decided to reinvent once again the garment that made it famous: the coat. In fact, this time, instead of focusing solely on a classic style, the brand turned its attention to a second type of outerwear, that is the duvet. This new collection has been particularly successful among those who love the combination of fashion and technology, which is also very contemporary and cutting edge. This time, Max Mara bet on an urban chic style, and it did it in a successful way, as this collection will be defined as "iconic" and "distinctive" for Max Mara's career from now on.


In 1989 Max Mara launched a new line called "Weekend Max Mara", which once again contributed to making fashion history. This time the idea came from the demands of the women of the world in those years, and in particular of all those women who loved high fashion clothes, but at the same time needed to wear something more versatile. This line of garments totally succeeds in understanding and expressing the concept of "utility deluxe", which modern society has greatly appreciated. Its main characteristics are that it combines sophistication and practicality.


Communication has been a fundamental part of Max Mara's strategy from the very beginning. The ways in which the company's advertising campaign was carried out have not always been the same, indeed they have changed a lot over the years, but precisely because of this they have always been very effective. At the beginning, of course, it was only possible to work on a few black and white images in the catalogues, but later on, with the invention of colour television, Max Mara started to work a lot on photographic shots with a high visual impact. The real turning point for the company came in the 90s, when Max Mara officially introduced its first magazine, available in Italy and then also abroad via mailing list. What has not changed over the years, however, is the level of attention given to the shop windows. In fact, the brand's policy is to communicate the true spirit of the company through the store windows, and thus to reflect the sense of entrepreneurship and Italian pride on which Max Mara has always relied.


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